Key Concepts and Action Steps

On the last day of the summit, the participants identified key concepts (shown below in the  Wordle and  images) that stood out to them from our 2 1/2 days of discussion. The participants also developed  lists of recommended action steps for various stakeholder groups (also shown below).











1. Build a research agenda and conduct research on the literacy needs of African American males from early ages through higher education.  Incorporate multiple research methods, critical perspectives, and interdisciplinary approaches.

2. Build stronger and sustainable partnerships between library educators and public and school libraries.

3. Support implementation of research into practice and sharing of effective practices including

  • a mentoring network for professionals
  • professional preparation that helps librarians bridge theory into practice
  •  critical race theory
  • practicum experiences
  • a shift from a deficit framework

4. Aggressively recruit diverse students into graduate library schools. Recruitment includes:

  • What librarians really do
  • What the career is really like
  • The potential for earning
  • The potential for creating change

5. Document and disseminate successful programs so that they can be replicated and adapted by people of passion elsewhere in the country who will mold it into their local context.



1. Make a commitment to including authors and characters of color in our collections and reading lists.

2. Be intentional in identifying and recommending enabling texts to African American males.

3. Develop a professional development curriculum addressing culturally competent service, facilitated by ALL state libraries with support from PLA, YALSA, ALSC, LA, ULC, and IMLS.

4. Require a course in cultural competency in all ALA accredited MLS programs.

5. Write a book “Reaching African American Males @ the Library” in accessible language.  Include a 10 step action list, a brief description of research, and best practices.



1. Take an active role in telling stories and counter-stories to the library and school community.

2. Take a leading role in teaching and learning that reaches beyond the walls of the library.

3. Be a leader in accountability.

4. Be proactive in developing partnerships with stakeholders so support the academic, social, and cultural needs of African American male youth.



1. Provide professional development for K-12 educators that includes

  • anti-racism and cultural awareness workshops
  • recent research on best practices related to the literacy needs of African American male youth
  • preparation to create a dialogue between students and teachers (360 degree evaluation)

2. Train K-12 students to be part of the dialogue:

  • advocacy efforts
  • social action
  • recommendations for educators

3. Involve and train parents

  • advocacy efforts
  • empowerment
  • facilitating voice
  • 2-way communication

4. Engage in advocacy that leads to policy changes



1. Increase the diversity representation of reviewers, including avenues for youth voices, ethnic and minority reviewers.

2. Facilitate connections between readers and authors.

3. Publish books that are driven by authors and readers vs. the perceived market needs.

4. Publish more enabling texts and books that include authentic voices.